Life always seems to be interesting at our house. Any moment God can bring a teachable moment. Sometimes those moments are for me and other times they are for my kids. It's lunchtime as usual at our house yesterday. Cailyn wanted dessert after lunch, not having eating hardly any of her lunch, Mommy said "No!". She was asking for a chocolate ice cream bar, Mommy again said "If you eat more of your lunch, then maybe you can have one." Cailyn said "No, and took off to our bedroom." As any mom would say, "that's your choice!" Brought so many thoughts to my mind at that moment. We are all given so many choices each day. Some are good and some are bad. Teaching my children how to make the right choices is hard each day when I find myself making poor ones at times. I must choose to make the most of each moment and make the right choices. Cailyn made a poor choice on her own, when not given a chocolate icecream bar. As Daddy pulled open his sock drawer this morning he found, a perfectly wrapped chocolate ice cream bar, melted. Daddy wasn't sure what to make of his treat left in his drawer. Mommy knew exactly when that chocolate bar might have been placed and why. Shortly after Cailyn left the kitchen, I heard the freezer door open, sure didn't know I would find out what choice she made until today. Those choices we make can also effect us now or later. Just as God is all knowing, so seems mommy at times to my children. Leaves me wondering what her thoughts were. God knows my thoughts before I ever think them. Sometimes that just overwhelms my mind.
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither your ways my ways. Isaiah 55:8
Being a mom is certainly humbling.